Wire Fraud Reduction Policy

Wire Fraud Reduction Policy

Policy title
Wire Fraud Reduction Policy
Business Office
Human Resources
Business Office
Approved by
Ad Council
Purpose of this policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures related to wire transfers from С²ÝÓ°Ôº bank accounts. These procedures are designed to reduce or eliminate the risk of wire transfer fraud and the losses suffered as a result of being a wire transfer fraud victim.  

Application of this policy

This policy applies to all С²ÝÓ°Ôº employees. The primary persons who will be impacted are those persons with access to financial systems, but all employees are required to follow the protocols contained in this document.

Policy statement

Wire-transfer fraud is when С²ÝÓ°Ôº employees are deceived by criminals to wire money to a bank account controlled by the criminals.

This policy requires that procedures be established for outgoing wire payments to reduce the likelihood that wire transfer fraud is perpetuated on С²ÝÓ°Ôº employees.

These procedures must include the following.

  • Establish specific wire instructions with any new business partner who may receive wire payments from С²ÝÓ°Ôº. These instructions must include the contact information of a designated individual or department at the business partner that can be reached to confirm a wire or a wire transfer change request. At the same time, С²ÝÓ°Ôº shall provide the business partner with similar contact information.
  • Independently verify over the phone all wire transfer requests and changes to wire instructions using a known and trusted phone number — not one from the current wire transfer request. The contact information provided in the request must not be used to verify the request.
  • Consummate all wire transfers and any new instructions or changes to existing wire instructions with dual control (e.g. two employees).
  • Designate employees who are authorized to send wire transfers. All other employees are prohibited from wiring payments.
  • Treat all changes to wire instructions and urgent requests to wire funds with skepticism and presume them fraudulent until verified for authenticity.
  • Establish procedures for reporting suspected fraudulent wire transfer requests so that other employees may be alerted to the scam.
  • Verify with bank to confirm both the account number and the name on the intended/requested account before sending a wire.
  • Establish internal procedures for any internal requests to wire funds or change wire instructions and train employees accordingly.


This policy requires that an employee wire fraud education and awareness training program be established. This training shall include periodic training so that employees can understand and detect wire transfer scams.

The training shall include instructions on:

  • How to closely inspect all emails related to wire transfers for signs of fraud;
  • The relevant procedures created as a result of this policy;
  • How to report suspected wire fraud requests;
  • How and when (immediately) to report any fraudulent payments; and
  • Any other items that С²ÝÓ°Ôº IT security team determines will help reduce the risk of being victimized by wire fraud.

 The program shall also include periodic reminders to employees of the ongoing risk of wire fraud and ensure employees are following proper procedures.


This policy requires that procedures be established and followed if С²ÝÓ°Ôº has been the victim of wire fraud.

These procedures may include:

  • Notify the receiving bank and request that a freeze be placed on any remaining funds.
  • Immediately notify С²ÝӰԺ’s Crime Policy insurance carrier. Note: this is EIIA.
    • If an Institution does not immediately report this issue to EIIA, there can be a problem with coverage.
  • Notify law enforcement after seeking advice of counsel.
  • Investigate whether the email system may have been compromised.
  • Ask business partners to investigate whether their email systems may have been compromised.


Compliance Measurement

Compliance with this policy will be verified through various methods, including but not limited to, internal reviews, and continued feedback of the Controller.


Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administration in advance.


An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.